Your October 19 Coaching Update

Your October update on what's new to let personal trainers and coaches worldwide train clients even more easily on FITR.


Nov 14, 2019

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Firstly a huge congratulations…

to Emma McQuaid who has qualified for the Crossfit™ Games 2020, by finishing 6th in the WORLD! A fantastic effort and we can’t wait to see her smash it at the Games.

Emma uses FITR Training to deliver her remote coaching services and it has been an invaluable source of feedback.

Our new partners JST (see below) have also secured numerous entries into the Games, on both the male and female side. Awesome work!

JST & FITR Training...

Have joined forces to not only provide a personal training system for the JST clients themselves, but also to help us develop the product moving forward.

We’re constantly learning from the best PT's out there. Some of the updates below have come directly from JST and their style of coaching. Now you too can benefit from their techniques.

We’ve launched Brand and Gyms...

Which let you connect multiple coaches to share the programming and client review workload. 

The coach that creates the brand/gym automatically becomes the first coach linked, and has the ability to invite other coaches via settings.

You can be a part of as many brands and gyms as you like. Each coach/brand/gym can have its own bank account, program library and client base. Split up your coaching business(es) as you see fit.

We’ve seen coaches use their individual coach account for private clients, and then join forces with other coaches to deliver training under a brand name.

Make sure you stand out...

By updating your profile page. We’ve totally revamped this so you can effectively build mini websites directly in FITR Training itself. 

Head into your page from the navigation menu and click ‘edit page’. Add more information about who you are, what you do and even build your very own benefits area and FAQ list.

Coming soon - Crop, resize and move your images within the designated spaces so they look perfect. We’re adding the ability to upload your media directly in the media screen pre-programming, rather than just as you build your sessions.

You can now create a new group based program...

based off a live calendar, where clients jump into today’s workout, rather than starting from session 1, day 1, week 1. Previously you could only do this for individual programs.

We’ve updated the questions you’ll be asked when creating a program, to match the new capabilities.

Enjoy a full suite of programs:

  • Fixed Length
  • Individual
  • Session 1, Day 1, Week 1 Start
  • Group Live Calendar

Introducing Personal Records

This is a biggy! We’ve totally ripped out the old code for personal bests, and replaced it with Personal Records.

You now have a list of over 2,500 Personal Records (and growing) to choose from. What you decide to track is totally up to you. As a personal trainer, you can use these Personal Records in your programming to drive personalised targets for your clients. Head to ‘Personal Records’ in your programming menu and click ‘How does it work’, to learn more.

If you don’t see a Personal Records you’d like to use, email us at and we’ll get it added.

Coming soon - Full leaderboard functionality so coaches and clients alike can see how they compare. Not just within their own coaching set up, but even nationally and globally.

Suggested videos...

Appear as you build your sessions. We’re working our way to a library of over 750 movement videos for you to use, however you can also upload and tag your own media, so they too appear when you’re programming.

Quickfire smaller updates

Payments - You can basically now sell and buy programs from anywhere in the world. We’ll handle all the foreign exchange (if applicable) and show prices in users chosen currency.

Emails - Both coach and client accounts now have full control over what emails they receive. Head into ‘Settings’ and ‘Emails’ to make changes.

KGs vs. Lbs - Choose your preference. We’ll automatically convert metrics to your chosen setting. Removing the confusion when interpreting weights, or on the fly calculations if your dumbbells are in Lbs not Kgs.

What’s coming next?

We’ve been a bit guilty of getting new feature after new feature in too quickly. The whole platform is getting a design spring (winter?) clean. We’re getting rid of all the different menu options and making it easier to know where to go.

The new navigation menu, button style and program listing.

Here’s a sneak peak (WIP Design). You’ll see how we’ve simplified the menu design, made interactive buttons clearer, totally revamped the program listing page and also changed the font we use throughout the platform to make it more modern and professional.

A new program detail area...

To make things a little less confusing, we’re creating a brand new area for each of your programs, where you can edit all the information you need to, as well as it being much clearer on how to update programming for your clients, and where to save.

Creating your Programs…

Is going to get even easier to use and understand. We’ve taken onboard your feedback, listened to the questions you had, and are currently designing improvements so that you can get up to speed even faster.

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