Getting started

Get up and running in 3 simple steps and learn about some of the core features on our platform.
Your 14 day free trial includes access to EVERY feature on FITR.
Start your trial
14 days FREE UNLIMITED access.
No credit card required, cancel anytime.

01/ Choose a program type

The first step is choosing a program type that best matches your type of coaching. You have access to all program types at all times. Each program is tailored to a different type of personal training. There are slight differences between each, such as how scheduling is handled, how many clients can join, how billing works and more.

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Offer bespoke programming to each subscribed client via independent training calendars.

Multiple clients per program
Manage each independent client schedule
One to One
Real time Jan-Dec calendar
Clients join from the current day
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Group Rolling Calendar

All subscribed clients follow the same programming on the same calendar dates.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Real time Jan-Dec calendar
Clients join from the current day
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Session 1, Day 1

Every subscribed client starts from the first day of the program and moves forward from there.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Week 1 > Progressive calendar
Clients start from the beginning
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Fixed Length

A program with a fixed duration, downloaded by the client in one go.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Week 1 > Progressive calendar
Clients start from the beginning
Training built in advance
Fixed duration
One-off download

02/ Create a program page

Every program you create can have its own dedicated page for you to share and include in any of your marketing campaigns. Clients can visit this page to learn about the program, sign up, and automatically start receiving their training.

We’ll ask you for the information and media needed to create a winning program page during the program building process. Make sure to add as much information as possible to help sell your program to clients.

Before you can set a price for your program, you’ll need to connect with our Integrated Payment system.

Invite clients to your programming

When you’re ready to invite your first client, there are several options available:

01/ Invite clients via email directly from our platform.
02/ Share your program page on social media.
03/ Add links to your program from your website, linktree etc.
04/ Contact clients directly with a link to your program page.
05/ Manually upload clients into our platform.
06/ Pick from your existing client list in FITR.

Building your schedule

Your program schedule is what clients will see when following your program. Add training days, attach media, create templates, leave notes, easily move and edit parts, and more. We’ve added powerful and time-saving features to make online scheduling easy for all personal trainers.

Once your clients are signed up, they’ll need to download the dedicated Client App. It’s free for them to use and has all of the features they need to keep up with you and your programming.

Connect with our integrated payment system

Integrating your payments unlocks the full power of our system and allows you to sell programs directly within the FITR platform. Just connect or set up a Stripe account and follow the steps to get started.

If you don’t want to use our integrated payment feature, just set your programs to free and handle billing elsewhere.

Get started with FITR today

Start your trial
14 days FREE UNLIMITED access.
No credit card required, cancel anytime.

Explore our other features

During your trial period, here are some of the other features we recommend trying out for yourself.


White label

Our White Label feature enables you to customise the FITR platform and app with your own colours and logo. This helps to personalise the experience clients have while following your programming on FITR.

White Label

Build your Storefront

Create and customise a Storefront page with information clients need to learn about your personal training business. Use your storefront in marketing campaigns and when talking to new clients to showcase everything about your business.

Insert Personal Records

Insert Personal Records into your programming and we’ll automatically adjust workouts for individual clients based on their personal records. Customise training for 5 or 500 clients with just a few clicks.

Personal Records

Create Leaderboards

Our Daily Leaderboards and Challenges feature can be used to create one-off scored workouts or ongoing Challenges for your clients to get involved with. We’ll automatically create real-time Leaderboards clients can use to view their performance.


Communicate with Clients

Profile photos in communication bubbles, sent media and emoji
Profile photos in communication bubbles, sent media and emoji

Communicate with your clients across the platform. Start 1-2-1 conversations, message client communities all at once, leave comments on performances throughout the platform, tag clients and more.

Choosing an account at the end of your trial

At the end of your trial period, you’ll be asked to choose an account option. We have three account plans to choose from, each with varying features and inclusions. To learn more about your options, you can visit our pricing page for a side-by-side comparison.



$34.99 / month
£24.99 / month
€29.99 / month
Unlimited One-off Downloads
Unlimited Programs
Integrated Payments
1 x Coach Note Per Program
5 x Active Clients
Add Coaches
White Label
Zapier Logo in Fitr brand black
 API Integration


$79.99 / month
£59.99 / month
€69.99 / month
Unlimited One-off Downloads
Unlimited Programs
Integrated Payments
Unlimited Coach Notes
50 x Active Clients
Add Coaches
$12.99 / coach
£9.99 / coach
€11.99 / coach
Zapier Logo in Fitr brand black
 API Integration


$129.99 / month
£99.99 / month
€119.99 / month
$1,249 / year
£959 / year
€1,149 / year
Unlimited One-off Downloads
Unlimited Programs
Integrated Payments
Unlimited Coach Notes
Unlimited Clients
Unlimited Coaches
WHITE LABEL customisation
Zapier Logo
 API Integration
Save 20% by paying annually
Best Value
Start your trial
14 days FREE UNLIMITED access.
No credit card required, cancel anytime.
Powering PT'S with 1 to 15k+ clients
HWPO Training
Josh Bridges
The Athlete Program
MST Systems
The Ultimate You
Turf Games
JST Compete
Underdogs Athletics
The Training Plan
The Program
Kriger Training
No Shortcuts
Vogue Fitness