Zapier + Fitr

API Integration
Connect FITR with over 5,000 applications and automate every aspect of your personal training business.

One connection, unlimited possibilities

Use Zapier to create triggers that pass information to other apps and create new outcomes automatically. Whether it’s part of an email campaign, adding members to social communities, or passing information into a spreadsheet - you only need one connection to make it happen.
Zapier integration is available on the UNLIMITED plan

01/ Select Triggers

Choose triggers that fire when specific actions take place and use them to start a sequence of events. Tailor each sequence based on the trigger and create truly bespoke automations.

Client starts a trial
Client purchases a subscription
Client uses a coupon
Client renews their subscription
Client is nearing the end of a program
Choose from 20 triggers

02/ Connect Apps

After selecting a trigger, choose an App and the action you’d like to automate. Different apps allow you to take different actions, such as using Gmail to generate automatic emails or a spreadsheet to log data. Select from over 5,000 apps, such as:

Fitr + Zapier Mailchimp Logo
Fitr + Zapier Circle Logo
Fitr + Zapier Microdoft Excel Logo
Fitr + Zapier Google Calendar Logo
Fitr + Zapier Google Docs Logo
Fitr + Zapier Google Mail Logo
Fitr + Zapier Facebook Messenger Logo
Fitr + Zapier Microsoft Outlook Logo
Fitr + Zapier Facebook Logo
Fitr + Zapier Wix Logo
Fitr + Zapier Slack Logo
+ thousands more

03/ Automate Actions

Actions are what come next, and you can use Zapier to pass data about your clients, programs, coupons, subscriptions, billings, client metrics, performances, comments and more to perform specific tasks. The options are endless, and we’ve given some examples below:

When a client starts a Program trial:
Add a new Circle member.
When a client converts from a trial:
Invite client to an introductory call.
Fitr + Google Calendar
When a client cancels whilst in a trial:
Ask client to complete a feedback survey.
Fitr + Google Forms
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Explore more triggers, apps and actions during your FREE TRIAL
client is scheduled on a program
Send an onboarding email series.
Fitr + Mailchimp
When a client starts a subscription
Create a signature request for document.
Fitr + Docusign
When a client uses a coupon
Add coupon details to a new row.
Fitr + Excel
When a client cancels mid-subscription
Send SMS when client cancels.
Fitr + Click Send
When a client ends their subscription
Remove member from Space Group.
Fitr + Circle
When a client renews their subscription
Send a confirmation email.
Fitr + Gmail
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Explore more triggers, apps and actions during your FREE TRIAL
When a client downloads a Fixed Length program
Add client’s email to a list.
Fitr + Clickfunnels
When a Fixed Length program is 14 days from ending
Send a promotional email.
Fitr + Outlook
When a client ends a Fixed Length program
Create a task to follow up with the client.
Fitr + Asana
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Explore more triggers, apps and actions during your FREE TRIAL
When a client completes their first workout
Send a direct message to congratulate them.
Fitr + Messenger
When a client completes 60 days of workouts
Create a group post to celebrate your client.
Fitr + Facebook
When a client records their first Benchmark
Send them a motivational email.
Fitr + Gmail
When a client records their first Challenge
Send them an SMS to congratulate.
Fitr + Click Send
When a client records their first Body Metric
Send a survey to learn more about their goals.
Fitr + Google Forms
When a client hits a Benchmark Personal record
Create a new row to log their PR.
Fitr + Excel
When a client hits a Challenge Personal record
Create a community post on Group Space.
Fitr + Circle
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Explore more triggers, apps and actions during your FREE TRIAL
When it’s a client’s birthday
Send an email campaign.
Fitr + Mailchimp
When it’s a client’s birthday
Send a personalised voice message.
Fitr + Click Send
When it’s a client’s birthday
Send a happy birthday message.
Fitr + Messenger
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Explore more triggers, apps and actions during your FREE TRIAL

Download our Zapier Guide

Check out our step-by-step PDF guide that shows you how to get started with Zapier on FITR.

Zapier Guide

Try the power of Zapier + FITR yourself

Start your trial
14 days FREE UNLIMITED access.
No credit card required, cancel anytime.
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