Gymnastics Coaches

With specific Gymnastics Personal Records already in the system, FITR is perfectly set up to suit coaching Gymnastics at both a club and an individual level. Learn how FITR helps busy Gymnastics coaches save time, monitor gymnast form and track gymnast progress.

Why is Fitr a great choice for Gymnastics Coaches?

Whether you coach Gymnastics for clubs or individuals, FITR effectively supports your coaching style remotely and in person.

Clubs benefit from the FITR Group Rolling Calendar program type, where all gymnasts follow the same programming simultaneously - automatically personalising movements for each individual using Personal Records. In the club, your clients can follow programming on large screens or their devices. 

With FITR, you can also manage individual scheduling, which is perfect for gymnasts in different competition seasons. Automatically track client performance over time to monitor progress. Communication is at your fingertips via the FITR App, and it's simple to share and comment on media to keep track of your gymnast’s form.

Automate personalisation

Personalise training and improve client retention providing visual progress of performance over time.

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Video integration

Walk your clients through complex lifts and movements with an extensive media library.

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Review & Build

Review client performances directly in the schedule view while you build improved programming.

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Custom branding

Make FITR look and feel like your own platform using White Label.

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Utilise leaderboards to engage with your community.

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Generate excitement in the run up to competitions or involve those training remotely.

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App for your Clients

Give your clients the best experience with the dedicated Client App.

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Automatic payments & delivery

Automatically bill clients, send reminders and manage program access.

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Promotional webpages

Create Program and Storefront pages with all the information clients need to learn and buy online.

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Gymnastics Coaches using Fitr

Which program types are suitable for Gymnastics Coaches?

All FITR program types are suitable for Gymnastics coaches. Each offers a unique way to deliver your programming, whether it’s a one-off skills program download, bespoke 1-2-1 coaching or larger club-based training.


Reduce admin by inviting all gymnasts to join the same program, but coach individual gymnasts personally in their own calendars.

Fixed Length

Offer fixed length programs to upskill technical movements, or on the run up to a competition 8 weeks out.

Multiple clients per program
Manage each independent client schedule
One to One
Real time Jan-Dec calendar
Clients join from the current day
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis
Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Week 1 > Progressive calendar
Clients start from the beginning
Training built in advance
Fixed duration
One-off download


Reduce admin by inviting all gymnasts to join the same program, but coach individual gymnasts personally in their own calendars.

Multiple clients per program
Manage each independent client schedule
One to One
Real time Jan-Dec calendar
Clients join from the current day
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Group Rolling Calendar

Support club based or remote group coaching using Group Rolling Calendar. All gymnasts follow the same program on the same day.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Real time Jan-Dec calendar
Clients join from the current day
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Session 1, Day 1

If you are coaching beginner gymnasts, it can be useful for them all to start your program from the first day, to ensure safe progression through your program.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Week 1 > Progressive calendar
Clients start from the beginning
Training built over time
Ongoing program
Subscription basis

Fixed Length

Offer fixed length programs to upskill technical movements, or on the run up to a competition 8 weeks out.

Multiple clients per program
Manage one schedule for all
One to Many
Week 1 > Progressive calendar
Clients start from the beginning
Training built in advance
Fixed duration
One-off download

Example Personal Records for Gymnastics Coaches

Personalised programming at scale

You’ll find multiple Gymnastics-specific Personal Records already loaded in FITR. Use them to automatically adjust training based on your client's individual records. Allowing you to offer personalised sessions for every client without manually calculating and updating yourself.

60s Max Ring Muscle Ups
Max Strict Ring Dips
Hollow Hold For Time
Freestanding Handstand Hold
15RM Shoulder Press
10RM Bench Press
AMRAP 5 Minutes - Chest to Bar Pull Ups
5RM Weighted Pull Up
Our central library contains over 2,500 Personal Records to add to your training. If there are any you need that aren’t there, just let us know, and we’ll get them added.

Using FITR you can have multiple clients following the same program at the same time, so you can generate unlimited income from just one schedule. Your average personal trainer needs 25 clients paying £200 a month to make £5,000. You only need to sell one program for £50 to 250 people for the same result.

Community Challenges

As the official remote coaching software for HYROX, Fitr helps affiliated HYROX Trainers & Gyms extend their community beyond HYROX events.

All HYROX divisions are pre-loaded and ready for you in the Fitr platform. Set them as Challenges for your clients so they can log their scores, interact with one another through comments, and track progress for each race over time.

Daily leaderboards & challenges
25 schedules
25 clients at £200
/ month
1 schedule
100 clients at £50
/ month
1 schedule
250 clients at £50
/ month
1 schedule
500 clients at £50
/ month

Use FITR for in-person coaching

Use the FITR Coach App to access any of your active clients’ programming to log performances, reschedule training, leave notes and more. Perfect to keep everything updated on their behalf during in-person sessions.

Available on PRO and UNLIMITED plans.

Automate your coaching business

Our technology automates time-consuming tasks so that you can focus on servicing your clients and growing your business. Just publish your program and our platform will handle the admin side of things.

Automatically sign up clients

For every program you publish, you’ll have a unique URL that you can share with your clients. Send it directly, or, add it to your socials, emails, website and anywhere else your clients might see. Clients can follow the link and sign up to your program, even when you’re not around.

Automatically deliver programming

When clients sign up for your program, they’ll automatically receive their training on the FITR platform. They can start following their schedule straight away, without any manual intervention needed.

Automatically Get Paid

Connect to Stripe and all client payments will be automatically deposited into your bank account. We’ll bill new client subscribers and anyone who renews, meaning you’ll get paid without having to chase.

Automatically restrict training

If a client misses a payment, we’ll automatically stop them from accessing your program. When they come back and pay, their calendar will populate with your training again.


White label
Fitness App

Your brand.
Our elite coaching software.

Add custom branding in a few simple steps to harness the power of FITR using your own unique identity.

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Review & Build

Look back and forward in a single view.

Review client performances directly in the schedule view while you build improved programming. Leave feedback, copy training parts or days, view group activity, and filter which information is on show.

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Sign up today for free

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14 days FREE UNLIMITED access.
No credit card required, cancel anytime.
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