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Learn how Harvey Lawton, founder and CEO of The Movement Blueprint, is using FITR to deliver his remote training.
Learn how Poppy Marsh, head coach and founder of Poppy Fit Coaching uses FITR to power her strength and conditioning, Olympic weightlifting and functional bodybuilding training programs
Apr 27, 2023
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1-2-1 Training. Functional Fitness, Strength & Conditioning, Weightlifting.
All my programming is online. FITR gives me the ability to deliver a higher level of services to my clients online.
I use the Custom program type on FITR to deliver 1-2-1 training and bespoke schedules for each of my clients. I love how I can make weekly adjustments by just copying and pasting each week and editing sets/reps/intensity. It makes my life easier but also ensures my clients continue progressing and get the best results.
Personal Records are key for me as a coach, particularly with my strength athletes. I can program them a percentage of their 1RM and it will come up for them with their personal load - game changing!
One of the reasons I switched to FITR was the Schedule Builder, it allows me to write in detail within session sections. My old app would only let me insert exercises and no comments, with FITR I can write as much as I like which is really handy for explaining exercises, leaving tips or comments that my clients need when they look at the session.
There’s loads more great features within the Schedule Builder, it’s extremely efficient. I can copy and paste structures easily, whilst changing exercises/volume/intensity. I also love how I can add my own training videos for clients to see, all loaded and managed via a central Media Library.
Yes, they work so well. I use 1RM Personal Records for squat, bench, deadlift, clean + jerk and snatch.
I’ve been able to bring new clients in through marketing my clients performances on social media. The Performance Tracking data in FITR looks great and is very shareable on Instagram.
The FITR Client App has had a LOT of positive feedback from my clients (in comparison to my old app - Trainerize). Clients love the Personal Records feature and also the fact they can add a lot of comments when logging their performance. All this allows me to get to know more about how the session went rather then just seeing a number on the screen, which in turn allows me to continually improve the service I offer.
I have saved A LOT of time in programming, the fact Personal Records are calculated automatically and you can save exercises/days/weeks as a template is a life saver when working with very similar clients.
I love it, it’s allowed me to grow my business to a stage where online coaching is my full time job, I couldn’t be more happy.
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