Coach Spotlight: Conor Lynch

Learn how Conor Lynch, head coach and owner of CrossFit OMNI uses FITR to deliver programming to his in-person coaching clients. Utilising Personal Records and other features to personalise his training for each client.

Coach Spotlight

Oct 24, 2023

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How do you deliver your programming?

100% in person training

What program types do you use to deliver your training?

At CrossFit OMNI, we use all program types when creating client training. Each brings its own benefit. We like to use fixed-length programming as a taster of our training, ultimately signing new clients onto S1D1 or group rolling programs. Primarily, we offer training for Weightlifting, CrossFit and Gymnastics, and like how writing programs and using the scheduler with FITR is simple and easy to use. 

Which features are helping you the most and why?

I've found all of the features I've tried so far to be really useful, but Personal Records are my favourite. I'm using them across my programming for various movements and clients.

Are you using Personal Records in your training?

Yes. We mainly use the typical Functional Fitness movements such as cleans, back squats and push presses. It’s great to have each client’s training individualised for them. It means they can focus on the movement rather than working out what they should be lifting, pressing, etc. It’s been so helpful not having to get a calculator out to prep for a session. 

Since using FITR, how has it changed your PT business?

FITR has proved to be easier to use than previous platforms, easier to upload training, and easier to distribute and manage. It’s made my job more enjoyable where I can focus on the training and less on admin. Overall, it’s a great platform, and the free app for clients is another perk for them.

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