How to build a capturing public page with Totus Fitness

The Swedish are well known for their design across the globe and one of the latest brands to join FITR Training, Totus Fitness, has taken that design flair to create an epic stand out public page.


Apr 7, 2020

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Totus Fitness delivers online, professional training programs. They have built an extremely  solid base of experience and expertise in program design through tens of thousands of hours in delivering training to all levels of athletes.

Not content with a single brand, they’ve even made use of the ability to manage multiple brands seamlessly by separating out their business into English and Swedish brands.

You can check out the English version here, and their Swedish version here.

We caught up with David Hassan at Totus Fitness to see if he would share some of their Swedish design flair for all our coaches, brands and gyms to benefit from.

Q - You’ve used video content as the header can you explain why you chose this rather than a still image?

A - Having a video in the header I think works better in catching one’s attention. It adds some life to the page.

Q - Can you tell us, do you have a professional photographer to help maintain your consistent look?

Notice the same filter being used in all their photos

A - We have a consultant that helps with search engine optimisation and web design. He is also a professional photographer. Once in a while he’ll come over to the gym and shoot a bunch of pictures for us.

We also have some members that are hobby photographers and bring their camera in sometimes. So on these occasions they help produce some photos we can use. 

Otherwise we, mainly I myself, grab the camera and shoot some pictures. We have a customised filter that we recently developed to have a similar feel to the photos. 

Being a rather small company you kind of have to do the best of your in-house resources. But hiring professionals is definitely worth it if you can afford it.

Q - How do you feel about brand perception and how have you created this in your page?

Meticulous choice of content

A - I think the page should reflect your brand, what you are selling and who you are as a company. We as a brand are selling high quality training programs and so everything should reflect that. 

Meticulous choice of content - well written text, a uniform theme to the photos and choice of colours I think is a must if you are trying to say you deliver a high quality service. Having a page that doesn't look professional will not help the potential client with instilling trust that the service is professional I think. 

Q - Any advice for coaches/ brands who are new to this side of their business on how to create a show stopping public page?

Uniform styling across the programs

A - We have tried to expose the logo in more than one place to help instil brand recognition. We like our logo but of course it can also be too much - you can’t put it everywhere. 

We chose to have it in the header video, the profile logo and on the big picture on the public page. My colleagues and I often have different opinions and taste when it comes to layout and choice of words. We recognise this is very subjective and also reflective of what customers think. So we always discuss text, photos and content between us and reach a compromise that everyone feels good about before we publish. And I think that's a good idea. 

We have created a national brand page for our Swedish customers (we are based in Sweden) and an English brand page for people outside of Sweden. Our native language is Swedish and translating the text into English is an example of a task that should be overseen by an English speaking professional. 

We haven't done this yet and that is a potential leak in the perception of the page as professional. We will do this a.s.a.p. So try to keep it clean and professional. A good tip is to get someone competent to look through your text and give feedback on your layout before you publish!

Detailed testimonials

Q - Thanks so much for your time it has been great talking to you, any final thoughts before we go?

A - We were very pleased to find out about FITR training and really see the potential in the platform. It has most of the features we have been searching for for a while now and the FITR support team is really great and attentive to developing it further.

Remember to check out Totus Fitness on FITR Training here!

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