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This blog explores how personal trainers can use technology to not only grow their businesses but also provide even greater value to their clients.
If you’re new to online coaching it can be hard to know where to start, so we have taken a look into our platform data to give you some insights into how coaches use FITR.
Feb 28, 2023
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If you’re new to online coaching or looking to expand your online business, it can be hard to know where to start. We have looked into our platform data to give you insights into how coaches currently use FITR.
In this blog, you’ll learn about our most popular program types, the typical amount coaches charge for each program and some valuable things to consider when planning your online coaching strategy.
FITR allows you to choose between 4 program types:
Coaches using FITR have created more 1-2-1 programs than any other type, they account for over 60% of all programs created on our system. However, Group Rolling Calendar and Fixed Length programs have had far more purchases than 1-2-1 programs and contribute to over 75% of the total revenue generated by coaches through our system.
Every Coach has a unique selling point, and you are best positioned to know the value that your service commands. However, here is a helping hand to guide you based on the average prices we see from our Coaches.
Fixed Programs sell for an average price of £46. We also see 30% of clients that download a Fixed Program go on to sign up for another program - so it’s a great way to get new customers on board and encourage repeat 1-2-1 programs.
1-2-1 Programs command a higher value per subscription, likely because they tend to be more personalised for each individual client. On average 1-2-1 programs on FITR are sold at £86 per month, within a range of £30-£200 per month.
Group Rolling Calendar and Session 1 Day 1 programs offer the functionality to program on a bigger scale, earning Coaches an average of £35 per client per month. Whilst this monthly subscription is less than 1-2-1 Programming, Coaches are able to deliver programming enmasse and reach larger audiences with Group Rolling Calendar and Session 1, Day 1 programs. Combined they have contributed to 66% of program purchases on our platform, compared to 8% for 1-2-1 programs and 25% for Fixed Length Programs.
We’re proud that fitness professionals using FITR have collectively earned £10 million by remotely coaching their clients.
The average time people remain on a subscription program with a FITR Coach is four months. However, 27% of clients stay for over five months, with the longest subscription lasting 46 months. Of course, the best way to keep your clients for longer is to ensure they see positive results from following your program. But FITR Coaches also have many tools within the app to keep their clients engaged, such as using FITR’s Personal Records feature to track results over time, or running Daily Leaderboards and Challenges.
1-2-1 programs provide a natural progression from in-person training to online as it follows the same principles of creating bespoke training programs for each client. However, if you want to scale your business and save time, you should consider Group Rolling Calendar and Session 1, Day 1 program types. While these two program types average lower value per subscription, they allow you to sell a single program to multiple clients and automate personalisation based on individual client performances.
Fixed Length programs are a great way to introduce new clients to your training, but also act as a great source of ongoing revenue for little additional work. Once you’ve created that winning 12 week fixed program you can sell it time and time again.
So, when you’re planning your online programming we would recommend considering a mixed approach to your product offering. Combining the four types of programs FITR offers will give your clients the option to find a program that suits their budget and needs.
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